[Paraview] Problem with reading xdmf file

Nikolay Simakov nikolays at buffalo.edu
Sun Dec 20 08:58:22 EST 2015


I am trying to create XDMF file to visualize data from hdf5 output from 
my program. The coordinates in hdf5 are stored as separate arrays. As 
first step I'd like to plot the nodes as points. So I made a simple xdmf 
file which mimics the data layout in my hdf5 file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd"[]>
<Xdmf Version="3.0">
         <Grid Name="Points" GridType="Uniform">

             <Topology TopologyType="Polyvertex" NodesPerElement="1" 
                 <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="4" DataType="Int" 
                     0 1 2 3

             <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
                 <DataItem ItemType="Function" Function="JOIN($0,$1,$2)" 
Dimensions="4 3" >
                     <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="4">
                         0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
                     <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="4">
                         1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
                     <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="4">
                         0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

And when I use xdmf3 reader it paraview-4.4 or 5.0RC2 exit with 
sigmentation fault. I did try to use GeometryType="X_Y_Z" but it didn't 
work out too.

In case of xdmf reader it did the job but generates following error 
message was:
line 345
vtkXdmfReader (0x1da35d0): Cannot find DataItem element in geometry xml, 
no caching possible.

Am I missing something?


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