[Paraview] Paraview v5.0.0-rc2 with OpenGL2 backend failing to start in parallel

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Fri Dec 18 09:07:34 EST 2015

Hi Frank,

Since you said you recompiled ParaView, I suspect that maybe you forgot to
update the submodules ParaView uses. In the ParaView source tree, run

git status

If VTK is listed, it may say there are new commits available for VTK. To
update VTK, run

git submodule update

This has been an issue a few folks have encountered in the past.

Also, double-check that your ParaView client and server are truly from the
same build.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Albina, Frank <
frank.albina at sauber-motorsport.com> wrote:

> Dear all!
> I recompiled Paraview-v5.0.0-rc2 from scratch using OpenMPI v1.6.5 and GCC
> v4.7.2 on my workstation.
> The QT & Python versions are the default system versions and are resp.
> 4.8.4 & 2.7.3.
> After successful compilation and installation, I start 8 parallel pvserver
> instances with:
> mpirun –np 8  pvserver –sp=7436
> Then, I start paraview and connect to the server running on the same
> machine. After connection is established, paraview fails with a
> segmentation fault.
> Waiting for client...
> Connection URL: cs://ws334:7436
> Accepting connection(s): ws334:7436
> Client connected.
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Parallel/Core/vtkSocketCommunicator.cxx,
> line 809
> vtkSocketCommunicator (0x2b7a600): Could not receive tag. 1
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> […]
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> /cfdcode/opensuse12/opt/ParaView/SRC/paraview-5.0.0-rc2/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 572
> vtkClientSocket (0x293e940): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 13964 on node ws334 exited on
> signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have included hereafter how Paraview was compiled:
> cmake $sourceDir \
>          -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release\
>          -DVTK_USE_X:BOOL=ON\
>          -DVTK_USE_QT=ON\
>          -DVTK_USE_DISPLAY=ON\
>          -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installDir\
>          -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/qmake\
>          -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/python2\
>          -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:FILEPATH=/usr/include/python2.7\
>          -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib64/libpython2.7.so\
>          -DPYTHON_UTIL_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib64/libutil.so\
>          -DModule_vtkRenderingLICOpenGL2:BOOL=ON
> I must have missed something since I guess that Paraview using parallel
> servers should run, even when there is only one GPU available. Any hints
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> *Frank Albina *
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Cory Quammen
R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
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