[Paraview] Some Filter with a programmable Filter combined

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Dec 15 09:46:50 EST 2015

I believe you're looking for:

data =inputs[0]

and not "input(0, 1)".

I'd also recommend reading the Chapter 13 from the ParaView Guide
(http://www.paraview.org/paraview-guide/). It covers this in detail.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 9:39 AM, no name <keinepostnurmuell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I want to import the output of an already applied Filter in my
> paraview programmable filter.
> I load an INP file, use GradientOfUnstructuredDataSet1 on it with
> output name "grad".
> Now I want to apply a Programmable Filter on that
> GradientOfUnstructuredDataSet1 and get it's values.
> I can access them in the console by:
> print grad.PointData.GetArray('dataX').GetRange()
> print grad.PointData.GetArray('dataY').GetRange()
> print grad.PointData.GetArray('dataZ').GetRange()
> But in the Programmable filter I failed. I tried to fetch the data
> with something similar to:
> data = input(0,1) and so, but failed.
> How do I adress this data best? I can get it Working in the console,
> but not in the filter itself :(
> Thanks
> Richard
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