[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Re: Axes labels

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Mon Dec 14 14:51:31 EST 2015



-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Scott, W Alan
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 12:39 PM
To: Utkarsh Ayachit; Fernando G. del Cueto
Cc: ParaView
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Re: Axes labels

Windows help is weird because ParaView is broken (regarding the command line help on Windows).  You can see this by running ParaView from a Command Prompt.  ParaView creates a new window, writes the output there, then immediately closes the window.

I created the command line help on Linux.  Here it is:

linuxBlade$ ./paraview --help

  --connect-id=opt         Set the ID of the server and client to make sure they match. 0 is reserved to imply none specified.

  --cslog=opt              ClientServerStream log file.

  --data=opt               Load the specified data. To specify file series replace the numeral with a '.' eg. my0.vtk, my1.vtk...myN.vtk becomes my..vtk

  --data-directory=opt     Set the data directory where test-case data are.

  -dr                      Do not use registry when running ParaView (for testing).

  --enable-bt              Enable stack trace signal handler.

  --enable-streaming       EXPERIMENTAL: When specified, view-based streaming is enabled for certain views and representation types.

  --exit                   Exit application when testing is done. Use for testing.

  /?                       Displays available command line arguments.

  --hostname=opt           Override the hostname to be used to connect to this process. By default, the hostname is determined using appropriate system calls.

  --multi-servers          Allow client to connect to several pvserver

  --print-monitors         Print detected monitors and exit (Windows only).

  --script=opt             Set a python script to be evaluated on startup.

  -s=opt                   Set the name of the server resource to connect with when the client starts.

  -url=opt                 Set the server-url to connect with when the client starts. --server (-s) option supersedes this option, hence one should only use one of the two options.

  --state=opt              Load the specified statefile (.pvsm).

  --stereo                 Tell the application to enable stereo rendering

  --stereo-type=opt        Specify the stereo type. This valid only when --stereo is specified. Possible values are "Crystal Eyes", "Red-Blue", "Interlaced", "Dresden", "Anaglyph", "Checkerboard","SplitViewportHorizontal"

  --test-baseline=opt      Add test baseline. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple baselines for multiple tests, in order.

  --test-directory=opt     Set the temporary directory where test-case output will be stored.

  --test-master            (For testing) When present, tests master configuration.

  --test-plugin=opt        Specify the name of the plugin to load for testing

  --test-plugin-path=opt   Specify the path where more plugins can be found.This is typically used when testing plugins.

  --test-script=opt        Add test script. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple tests.

  --test-slave             (For testing) When present, tests slave configuration.

  --test-threshold=opt     Add test image threshold. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple image thresholds for multiple tests in order.

  --tile-image-prefix=opt  Set the temporary directory with file name prefix for tile display image dump.

  -cudaiop                 When specified, piston classes will use cuda interop for direct rendering

  -V                       Give the version number and exit.

I will write up a bug report.


-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Utkarsh Ayachit
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Fernando G. del Cueto
Cc: ParaView
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Axes labels

> By the way, is there a way of getting the command line options? I 
> tried --help, -h and didn't get anything.

-h should do the trick, but on Windows getting output on the terminal is always weird -- someone more familiar than me with Windows can elaborate.

So to be clear, if you run paraview as a follows, then create the "Wavelet" source, hit  "Apply" and then show the Axes Grid, you still see no labels?

> paraview -dr

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