[Paraview] Velocity field analysis - lambda2

David Larsson david.larsson at sth.kth.se
Mon Dec 7 16:11:39 EST 2015

Dear all,

I'm working with velocity vector fields over multiple time steps. I would like to compute a number of entities for the velocity field - most importantly the lambda2-scalar, but being relatively new to paraview I'm not really sure how to do that.

I can do some simple modifications using the calculator but can't really find my way to grad() or curl() etc. I guess the solution is going over to pvpython (which would also be preferred with regards to doing automated analysis).

Does anyone have any experience with performing numerical analysis of vector velocity fields in pvpython that could give some hints on how to get started? Or does anyone even have performed lambda2-analysis on such?

I've seen some similar questions in the mail-list from before but can't seem to find a conclusive answer, so I thought I'd give it a try myself.

Thanks for the help.


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