[Paraview] Paraview 4.4.0 - Plugin with a custom 3d widget

Andrzej Peczak apeczak at ara.co.uk
Thu Dec 3 10:00:50 EST 2015


I had tried to place the widget in utilities.xml under <ProxyGroup name="implicit_functions"> earlier without the success. The filter sees the standard Box but not MyBox.


From: Cory Quammen [mailto:cory.quammen at kitware.com] 
Sent: 03 December 2015 14:18
To: Andrzej Peczak
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Paraview 4.4.0 - Plugin with a custom 3d widget


I believe the ProxyGroup name for the widget should be set with

<ProxyGroup name="implicit_functions">

instead of 

<ProxyGroup name="my_extended_filters">


On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 6:42 AM, Andrzej Peczak <apeczak at ara.co.uk> wrote:

I am trying to customise a plugin with an implicit function widget. As an example I choose vtkPVBox class to check if I can register it under a different name. To do it I created a SM file as following, but the plugin seems not seeing the object I am registering. Can anybody explain how do I register my own widget ?



        <ProxyGroup name="filters">

                <SourceProxy class="vtkTransformFilter" label="Translate"
                        <InputProperty command="SetInputConnection" name="Input"
                                <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
                                        <Group name="sources" />
                                        <Group name="filters" />
                                <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
                                        <DataType value="vtkPointSet" />
                                        <DataType value="vtkImageData" />
                                        <DataType value="vtkRectilinearGrid" />
                        <ProxyProperty command="SetTransform" name="TranslateFilter"
                                <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
                                        <Group name="transforms" />
                                <ProxyListDomain name="proxy_list">
                                        <Proxy group="my_extended_filters" name="Translate3" />
                        <!-- End TransformFilter -->

        <ProxyGroup name="my_extended_filters">

                <SourceProxy class="vtkPVBox" name="MyBox">
                        <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetBounds"
                                default_values="0 1 0 1 0 1" name="Bounds" number_of_elements="6">
                        <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1" command="SetPosition"
                                default_values="0.0 0.0 0.0" name="Position" number_of_elements="3">
                                <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
                        <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1" command="SetRotation"
                                default_values="0.0 0.0 0.0" name="Rotation" number_of_elements="3">
                                <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
                        <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1" command="SetScale"
                                default_values="1.0 1.0 1.0" name="Scale" number_of_elements="3">
                                <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
                                <!-- Hints are metadata associated with the proxy. As far as the ServerManager
                                        is concerned, Hints have no significance. GUI is free to interpret the hints
                                        as it chooses. Hints provide a mechanism to add some GUI pertinant information
                                        to the server manager XML. -->
                                <PropertyGroup type="Box">
                                        <Property function="Position" name="Position" />
                                        <Property function="Rotation" name="Rotation" />
                                        <Property function="Scale" name="Scale" />
                                        <Property function="PlaceWidget" name="Bounds" />
                        <!-- End of Box -->

        <Proxy class="vtkPVTransform" label="Translate" name="Translate3">
            <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetAbsolutePosition"
                default_values="0.0 0.0 0.0" information_property="PositionInfo"
                label="Translate" name="Position" number_of_elements="3">
                <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
            <DoubleVectorProperty command="GetAbsolutePosition"
                default_values="0.0 0.0 0.0" information_only="1" name="PositionInfo"
                number_of_elements="3" />
                <PropertyGroup type="MyBox">
                    <Property function="Position" name="Position" />

                <!-- End my_extended_filters -->


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