[Paraview] Offscreen rendering? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Angelini, Richard C (Rick) CIV USARMY ARL (US) richard.c.angelini.civ at mail.mil
Wed Apr 29 13:58:48 EDT 2015


I have a standard client-server connection set up to a remote system.   I'm
dumping out a long animation, saving JPG files.     If I iconify my ParaView
session or allow the Linux screenlock to kick in, my resulting saved images
are corrupted (blank, black, garbled).        In this scenario, is there
some way to force ParaView to do offscreen rendering in this interactive

I've been looking at settings and command line flags, but I don't see
anything in the GUI or the client.   There does seem to be a flag on the
pvserver, but the user doesn't have access to that flag directly using the
preconfigure job launching configuration scripts.

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