[Paraview] Extract 'exact' bounded raster image from paraview

Ruggiero Guida ruggiero.guida at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 23:50:01 EDT 2015


I am trying to generate a 2d raster image from paraview in order to
generate a texture for another program.

Ideally I would like to extract an image with a number of pixels in the x
and y direction that is in the same ratio as the x and y bounds.

For example. Say I have a dataset with bounds [0, 19m] and [-10m, 23m] and
i generate a 2D contour. I would like a raster image with [19 * s, 33 * s]
pixel dimensions, where s is a scale factor. This image should also be
perfectly fitted with the vtk dataset so that

x_min => x_pixel = 0
x_max => x_pixel = x_max * s
y_min => y_pixel = y_max * s
y_max => y_pixel = 0

Is this possible at all? I assume that involves using python and this is
not a problem.

Thanks for any advice
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