[Paraview] MPI-aware reader plugin only has rank 0

Schlottke, Michael M.Schlottke at aia.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Apr 14 01:36:10 EDT 2015

> from vtkPVClientServerCoreCorePython import vtkProcessModule
> print "rank=", vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule().GetPartitionId()
> print "total=", vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule().GetNumberOfLocalPartitions()

Thanks! This finally gives me hope that not everything is completely broken, as it yields the expected output (for 5 ranks):

rank 0
total 5
rank 2
total 5
rank 1
total 5
rank 4
total 5
rank 3
total 5

No change on the reader plugin though. Are there certain commands/libraries I have to include in the CMakeLists.txt file to make the plugin run in parallel? Or additional (VTK) methods I have to call to make sure that all ranks are participating?


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