[Paraview] Everything on graph disappears after choose 'volume' representation

yufei shen yzs133 at psu.edu
Fri Apr 10 12:21:47 EDT 2015

Good afternoon:

I am just beginning to use Paraview, and I'm using it to plot a 3D current
scalar field, with x,y,z being the coordinates of a point in space, while
the forth column value represents the intensity of current passing through
that point. My input file is .csv.

After I have tetrahedralized my points, the figure show up in the plotting
window perfectly with surface, point or any other representations except
VOLUME. I can adjust color together with alpha values, however, as soon as
I switch to 'volume', everything just disappears. I've also tried the same
thing on all platforms (Mac, linux, Windows), but the problem is not solved.

I wonder what's causing this problem? Should I used a different input file
format other than .csv? It seems what I am doing is really simple compared
with paraview's capability. I have also checked the archives but could not
find any solution to this...

I really appreciate your help!

Best Regards
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