[Paraview] running a python script with new PV variables created with the calculator

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Apr 8 13:40:17 EDT 2015


Hard to say. Do you have a sample dataset + state file to help
reproduce the issue?


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 1:01 PM, Cihan A <akcay.cihan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Paraviewers,
> I have very recently begun to use PV (been a VisItor up to this point) so
> there are a lot of features with which I am not entirely familiar. I am
> trying to run a python script which does some math then stream
> tracing on two vectors variables "e" and "b". My code dumps out components
> of each vector field
> , which I read into PV
> where they appear as point data.. I t
> hen combine
> this data
> into vectors "e" and "b" with PV's calculator feature. After this step I run
> my python script from Tools->Python Shell. The script (attached it as
> fieldl_line.py -- looks terrible when opened with Vim) does not get very far
> and complains about various things. I attached the log file entitled PVlog.
> I cannot decipher
> some of
> these messages but I have a strong suspicion the inputs variable does not
> get populated correctly or the script cannot find "e" and "b". Any ideas
> where I have gone wrong? Is there an intermediate step after defining new
> variables on the calculator to make the script aware of the existence of "e"
> and "b". I plotted these new vector variables on PV without any issue.
> Thank you very much for your time and interest.
> --
> Cihan
> --
> Cihan
> --
> Cihan
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