[Paraview] AMR with raw files

Хачкова Татьяна hachtanya at yandex.ru
Tue Apr 7 23:45:23 EDT 2015

what about AMR? :))

Should I use the vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet?
How does such set look like for Paraview? 
Can you give me an example?


06.04.2015, 07:31, "Хачкова Татьяна" <hachtanya at yandex.ru>:
> Hey, Aashish,
> Yes - I need some help on how to create AMR with some our raw files?
> For example,
> first raw file: 256*256*256, unsigned 16-bit, little Endian, x - fastest, mesh 0:50:12750
> second raw: 256*256*256, unsigned 16-bit, little Endian, x - fastest, mesh 0:5:1275
> Thank you in advance.
> Tatyana.
> 03.04.2015, 19:44, "Aashish Chaudhary" <aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com>:
>>  Hey Tatyana,
>>  So you are asking for some help on how to create AMR? Is that right.
>>  - Aashish
>>  On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 3:53 AM, Хачкова Татьяна <hachtanya at yandex.ru> wrote:
>>>  Hello!
>>>  I try to use Paraview for visualization of a geophysical data. I need to create AMR file with some levels (some meshes), where we want to place raw files.
>>>  Can you help me? Can you send me a simple example of such structure for Paraview?
>>>  Thank you in advance.
>>>  Tatyana.
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