[Paraview] ParaView Guide sources?

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Apr 6 21:03:31 EDT 2015

Thanks for the patch, Christoph. I've pushed the change in:



On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Christoph Grüninger <foss at grueninger.de> wrote:
> Hi Utkarsh,
> thank you for publishing the source. I had some troubles to get it
> compiling, there are many LaTeX packages used, that are not provided as
> openSuse RPMs. That will need some more time.
> There are plenty CMake warnings about CMP0046. I have not yet
> investigated them further.
> Find attached a small fix for a small glitch, at least in the published
> PDF it was broken.
> Bye
> Christoph

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