[Paraview] Animation problem - stops after rendering after a while..

Martin Larcher martin.larcher at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Thu Apr 2 06:12:36 EDT 2015

Dear all,
I have the same problem since some weeks. When I try to create a longer 
animation the rendering stops after about 100 steps and the same view is 
shown by changing the time (using vtu files). Sandeep's error 
description sounds very similar. I'm using only standard filters, 
perhaps Contour is quite expensive. And perhaps my models are slightly 
bigger (about 1.6 million cells and a similar number of points).
Some further remarks: I get the problem when I do the playback or even 
when I create an animation. I do not get the problem when I'm using no 
filters (except the read filter). If I remove after the occurrence of 
the error the Contour filter, there seems to be a layer over the output. 
During turning the model I can see it, when I release the mouse it 
Any idea?
I'm using 4.3.1 but I have the same with 4.2 and 4.1

On 02/04/2015 00:12 wrote Jella, Sandeep:
> Hello,
> I am trying to make a simple animation using a large number (~3000) of
> tecplot 2D slices (each slice is a tecplot file). Each slice is a
> snapshot of a flow simulation..I have a couple of simple python
> calculators in the pipeline apart from annotations.
> I have two questions:
> 1.The issue is that Paraview creates the animation for around 1600
> slices when it is a matter of simply rendering the images but this
> reduces to ~ 1000 when there are pipeline operations (like my python
> calculator). After updating to the screen, each time-step, it freezes at
> a particular one and continues. The playback looks good from timestep 1
> to 1600 and after that (i.e. 1600-end) there is no more motion (picture
> frozen to time-step 1600).
> 2.What is the best way to speed up rendering this animation? I enabled
> multicore (in version 4.0) but then the rendering takes twice the time.
> Would appreciate any advice on what the best way to do this.
> I’ve tried offscreen rendering as well as an older version of Paraview
> (v 4.0) but no good result. I am using v 4.3.1.
> Many thanks,
> Sandeep.
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Dr.-Ing. Martin Larcher
Joint Research Centre, T.P. 480
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)
European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA)
I-21027 Ispra (VA) Italy
Phone: +39-0332-789563
Fax: +39-0332-789049
Email: martin.larcher at jrc.ec.europa.eu
WWW: http://europlexus.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

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