[Paraview] Sum two data array in paraview

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Thu Apr 2 01:05:51 EDT 2015

If I understand your question correctly, you are basically trying to take arrays computed from two different time steps and then add them together. This is (intentionally made) difficult in ParaView because ParaView makes sure that the time from the data is consistent across all data sets. Things would get pretty confusing otherwise.

That said, you should be able to hack what you want using the "Temporal Shift Scale" filter, which can mangle the time of a data set to be different than the global time. The following procedure should work.

1. Starting with your data loaded into ParaView. Let's say the data is coming from a pipeline object named OriginalData.
2. Set ParaView to be at animation time 2.
3. Add the calculator filter and create your result1 array.
4. Add the Temporal Shift Scale filter directly to OriginalData (not the calculator filter). Shift the time by 2.
5. Add a calculator filter to the Temporal Shift Scale filter and create the result2 array.
6. Use the Append Attributes filter with the two calculator filters as input.
7. You can then take the sum of result1 and result2 with the data from Append Attributes.


From: Jay Romero <jayreno33 at gmail.com<mailto:jayreno33 at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 10:01 PM
To: ParaView Mailing List <paraview at paraview.org<mailto:paraview at paraview.org>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Sum two data array in paraview


I want to use calculator or Python shell to sum two data arrays in paraview.
In the calculator:
At time dt =2, I create an array: result1 = pressure* 2.
For next animation time, dt = 4:
I create an array: result2 = pressure*4
What I find that the result1 array has changed at time step =4.
How I can retain original result1 array when I change the animation time to dt=4.

This way I want to take sum of result1 and result2 at two different time steps.

How we can achieve it in paraview?

Best regards
Jay Reno
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