[Paraview] Installing Paraview with system IceT

Christian Butcher christian.butcher at oist.jp
Thu Oct 30 05:39:49 EDT 2014

Running ccmake to build the Makefile for Paraview-4.2.0 informs me
(when I set "VTK_USE_SYSTEM_ICET=yes") that it can't find
icetConfig.cmake or icet-config.cmake

"CMake Error at VTK/CMake/vtkModuleMacros.cmake:830 (find_package):
   By not providing "Findicet.cmake" in By not providing
"Findicet.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
   asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "icet", but
   CMake did not find one.

   Could not find a package configuration file provided by "icet" with any of
   the following names:


   Add the installation prefix of "icet" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
   "icet_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "icet"
   provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
 Call Stack (most recent call first):
   ThirdParty/IceT/CMakeLists.txt:58 (vtk_module_third_party)"

Installation of IceT-2.1.0 (appears to be the same version as packaged
with PV) provided a IceTConfig.cmake file in /usr/lib.

Construction of a symbolic link from

/usr/lib/icetConfig.cmake -> /usr/lib/IceTConfig.cmake

moves me past my first error (when I specify cmake option
"icet_DIR=/usr/lib") but then ccmake complains that

"CMake Error at VTK/CmakeLists.txt:480 (export)
  export given target "IceTCore" which is not built by this project.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:774 (export):
  export given target "IceTCore" which is not built by this project."

Google searches suggest I should attempt to modify some file to use
IMPORT statements, but I have no previous experience constructing
CMakeList or .cmake configuration files.

Any help setting this up (or confirmation that Paraview can be built
with IceT as a system library) would be appreciated.

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