[Paraview] [Help!] Paraview GUI does not start (closes automatically)

Joe chaoyuan at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 29 15:21:42 EDT 2014

Hi all,

  I started using Paraview (4.2.0) about a couple months ago and it was working normally. I don't know exactly when this problem begin because I don't use Paraview everyday but now when I double click on Paraview.exe, no window pops up anymore. Using process monitor, I could see that Paraview.exe does a few things on my computer but I couldn't figure out what went wrong. 

   I'm running Paraview 4.2.0 64-bit on Windows 7 Ultimate. I scanned my computer for virus and malware and got rid of whatever they found. But the problem remains. 

   I don't know if this is relevant but I installed Qt 5.3.2 some time ago. I tried removing Qt and installed Paraview again but it didn't help. I also tried removing my antivirus program and installed Paraview again. It also did not help. 

  Has anyone run into this problem before? Any thoughts on how this problem can be solved or how I can troubleshoot this? 

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