[Paraview] Unable to compile with Python enabled

Chris Bording cbording at ivec.org
Wed Oct 15 05:19:09 EDT 2014

   Okay spent a couple days experimenting with building Paraview-4.1 and 
4.2. on our local GPU-cluster it is The SGI supercomputer comprises 96 
nodes, each containing two 6-core Intel Xeon X5650 CPUs, an NVIDIA Tesla 
C2075 GPU and 72 GB RAM, resulting in a system containing 1152 cores and 
96 GPUs.

I keep hitting the build.make errors when I set

The error....

make[2]: Entering directory 
*** target pattern contains no `%'.  Stop.

if I go to the 

[cbording at login2 PythonInterpreter]$ cd CMakeFiles/
[cbording at login2 CMakeFiles]$ ls
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake  progress.marks 
  vtkPythonInterpreter.cmake  vtkPythonInterpreter.dir
[cbording at login2 CMakeFiles]$ cd vtkPythonInterpreter.dir/
[cbording at login2 vtkPythonInterpreter.dir]$ ls
build.make  cmake_clean.cmake  DependInfo.cmake  depend.make  flags.make 
  Labels.txt  link.txt  progress.make
[cbording at login2 vtkPythonInterpreter.dir]$ pwd

so build.make is there and offending line is in RED

# Object files for target vtkPythonInterpreter
vtkPythonInterpreter_OBJECTS = \
"CMakeFiles/vtkPythonInterpreter.dir/vtkPythonInterpreter.cxx.o" \

# External object files for target vtkPythonInterpreter
vtkPythonInterpreter_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS =

lib/libvtkPythonInterpreter-pv4.1.so.1: lib/libvtkCommonCore-pv4.1.so.1
lib/libvtkPythonInterpreter-pv4.1.so.1: lib/libvtksys-pv4.1.so.1
@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --red --bold 
"Linking CXX shared library ../../../lib/libvtkPythonInterpreter-pv4.1.so"
&& $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_link_script 
CMakeFiles/vtkPythonInterpreter.dir/link.txt --verbose=$(VERBOSE)
&& $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_symlink_library 

lib/libvtkPythonInterpreter-pv4.1.so: lib/libvtkPythonInterpreter-pv4.1.so.1

# Rule to build all files generated by this target.

Here is what is in the python module.

setenv           PYTHON_VERSION 2.6.9
setenv           PYTHON_LIB_VERSION 2.6
setenv           PYTHON_DIR /ivec/apps/gcc/4.4.7/python/2.6.9
setenv           IBS_PYTHON_LIBDIR lib
prepend-path     PATH /ivec/apps/gcc/4.4.7/python/2.6.9/bin
prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH /ivec/apps/gcc/4.4.7/python/2.6.9/lib
prepend-path     MANPATH /ivec/apps/gcc/4.4.7/python/2.6.9/share/man
prepend-path     PYTHONPATH 

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
   1) ibs/1.5.7   2) gcc/4.4.7
.. loading openmpi/1.6.5
.. loading python/2.6.9
.. loading qt/4.8.4
.. loading zlib/1.2.7
.. loading hdf5/1.8.10
.. loading netcdf/
.. loading boost/1.55.0
.. loading silo/4.8
.. check for build only modules
.. you are using cmake, will use ibs_cmake_build to process
.. loading cmake/
.. unpacking the source code for paraview 4.1.0
.... only need to unpack first source
.. compiling paraview 4.1.0 with gcc/4.4.7
Running cmake 
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.4.7
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.4.7
-- Check for working C compiler: 
-- Check for working C compiler: 
/ivec/devel/gcc/4.4.7/openmpi/1.6.5/bin/mpicc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info

If I configure the build without python then it does not fail.  I have 
tried with both python version 2.6.9 and 2.7.6

Do I have the right flags set for python.
more importantly to I have the right configure flags set so we can run 
the pvserver and have it use the GPUs?
The ultimate goal is to be able to render on the cluster and view on the 
multi-display panels we have.

Next I want to install paraview on our new CRAY XC-30, any suggestions 
on configuring that?

I found this in the from the good folks at CSCS for their CRAY XC-30 
however ours is all Haswell without GPUs.

We also have a SGI UV2000 has anyone installed paraview on large single 
image systems?

Thanks in advance!

R.Christopher Bording
Supercomputing Specialist
iVEC Supercomputing Team

T +61 8 6488 6905
F +61 8 6488 8088
E cbording at ivec.org

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