[Paraview] Animating over MultiBlock data set

Armin Wehrfritz dkxls23 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 13:18:24 EDT 2014

Do I understand it correctly that you have always a uniform geometry, 
just the data changes in time?

Are you using something like this:
<Grid CollectionType="Temporal" GridType="Collection" Name="FieldData">

Well, I attached a small xdmf file that shows how to animate in time 
(assuming a constant geometry). Hope it is of help.


On 10/08/2014 07:26 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I am writing an Xdmf file with 75 "Grids" where each grid represents a
> time step from a simulation. When I read it into ParaView it shows 75
> Blocks. I can load each one at a time and I get the expected output.
> What is the magic to animating over a multi-block data set. Each block
> has the same exact set of Data arrays.
> Ideas?
> _________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                            BlueQuartz Software
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