[Paraview] Property Panel and Inheritance?

B.W.H. van Beest bwvb at xs4all.nl
Thu Oct 2 06:44:45 EDT 2014

Hello, I'm struggling with getting the properties panel right for a new
Source defined in plugin that I'm writing.

In the class below, I'm extending the VTK class for a rectangular box,
vtkCubeSource. The class also derives from another class,
that has the well known method  "foo".   I have made corresponding
changes to the server manager file (xml), given below.

In the xml-file, I can specify the panel entries for the vtkCubeSource,
referring to the methods of this vtk class which are available via
inheritance, for instance "SetXLength(double)". However, when I do the
same for the method "foo(int)" of the other base class, ParaView bombs,
telling me that:

tkPVSessionCore (0x113a740): Object type: sphBoxSource, could not find
requested method: "foo"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
  Argument 0 = vtk_object_pointer {sphBoxSource (0x30fbe00)}
  Argument 1 = string_value {foo}
  Argument 2 = int32_value {1024}

The problem is gone when I provide the derived class also with a method
"foo", which calls the "foo" of the base class.
In short, I can refer, in the panel, to the methods of vtkCubeSource (as
expected due to inheritance), but not for the other base class.
What am I overlooking here, and what do I need to do to have the
expected inheritance?

Your view
Kind Regards,

This is my class:
class sphBoxSource : public vtkCubeSource
                                 , public SPHParticleProps
  static sphBoxSource* New();

   sphBoxSource( double, double, double );

public:  // testing purposes only
   void foo( int i ){ SPHParticleProps::foo(i);}   // For the Properties
pane,: Why can I can not just inherit the method "foo"?

The server manager configuration is taken from "sources.xml" that comes
with ParaView (4.2), but extended with a property for "foo".

   <ProxyGroup name="sources">
==================================================================== -->
   <SourceProxy class="sphBoxSource"
      <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
         <DoubleRangeDomain min="0" name="range" />
         <Documentation>This property specifies the length of the box in
the X direction.</Documentation>


      <!-- Add gui component for testing purposes -->
      <IntVectorProperty command="foo"
         <IntRangeDomain min="0" name="range" />
         <Documentation>Just for testing. Does nothing.</Documentation>

      <!-- End Box -->
==================================================================== -->

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