[Paraview] Exporting data from Paraview with connectivity after clipping/slicing

Evan Kao tossin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 19:26:52 EDT 2014

Thanks for the answers.  Just a minor follow-up:  For some reason, applying
the D3 filter freezes Paraview on this computer (ver 4.1 64-bit on Windows
7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit).  An "Output Messages" window appears, but nothing
is displayed before freezing up.  Any ideas as to why this occurs?

Evan Kao

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov>

>  1. That's because there is no simple way to create new global IDs for
> the points generated by clip or slice in parallel. If you are running in
> serial, you can use the Generate Ids filter. If you are running in parallel
> you can use the D3 filter.
>  2. The CSV file format is not expressive enough to capture cell
> connectivity information. Use a different file format. Try the legacy VTK
> file format written in ASCII. Like CSV it is easy to both read by humans
> and parse by computers.
>  -Ken
>   From: Evan Kao <tossin at gmail.com>
> Date: Saturday, June 28, 2014 2:53 AM
> To: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Exporting data from Paraview with
> connectivity after clipping/slicing
>     Hello all,
>  I'd like to export the data with the topology information (preferably as
> a .csv from a Spreadsheet View), especially after using the Slice and Clip
> Filters.  This would require the original node IDs and cell
> connectivities.  However, there appear to be a couple issues:
>  1.  The globalnodeids aren't retained after using a Filter, although this
> can be (somewhat sloppily) circumvented by copying the globalnodeids with
> the Calculator.
>  2.  The cell data does not appear to include any connectivity information
> (i.e. node ids that make up the element).  How do I retrieve that data?
>  Thanks,
>  Evan Kao
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