[Paraview] RESOLVED: Open remote file Error via Paraviewweb (Paraview3.98.0)

Ewin tiandong at fingergo.com
Fri Jun 27 03:34:12 EDT 2014

Hi All and Seb,
       so sorry for borring you, I have settled the problem down!

                the connect order must be before the view creation!
      just like below:
                paraview.Connect("", 11111);
	        myview = paraview.CreateIfNeededRenderView();
Have a good weekend!


Hi Ewin,

this version of ParaViewWeb is so old, that I don't remember it on top of my head.

I will guess that the view was not properly created. (myview) hence the NoneType.
 Moreover, you will have an issue with "wirefire" which should be "Wireframe" I believe.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Ewin <tiandong at fingergo.com> wrote:
 Hi all,
     I want to show paraview result on webpage,  and I setup the paraviewweb envi (version 3.98.0). 
      Method "paraview.loadData" can get a normal source object and show well, but it can only open native file. So, I use "paraview.OpenDataFile" to read the remote file, but I got an Error:
      'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Representations'‍
     My Code:
             paraview = new Paraview(serverUrl);‍
           var reader = paraview.OpenDataFile(val);‍
            paraview.SetDisplayProperties( {
		'proxy' : reader ‍,
 		 'view'  : myview,
		Representation : 'wirefire‍'
 	    } );‍

Any help will be appreciated!
Thanks all!
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