[Paraview] Help with web proxy

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Thu Jun 19 10:57:55 EDT 2014

Hi Sean,

if you have a user logged in with a "DISPLAY", you just need to run "export
DISPLAY=:0.0" before running your launcher.
So when your launcher trigger a new viz job, it inherits that property.

You can try again with your command line and see if you get the same error
when you export the display first.

But anyhow, you need a GPU and a X session running. And make sure you have
the latest drivers as well for better performances.

Otherwise, if you don't have a GPU, then you will need to build ParaView
with OS Mesa.


On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 7:44 AM, CLSA Mcmaster <clsamcmaster at gmail.com>

> Hello
> I think I have found the problem. When I run the launcher from the CLI as
> follows:
>  pvpython
> /data/pvw/paraview/lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py
> -d --content /data/pvw/www --data-dir /data/pvw/data --port 8080
> And then access the URL I get the following error:
> [19/Jun/2014:13:37:10 +0000] "POST /paraview/ HTTP/1.1" 404 145 "
> http://paraview.domain.ca:8080/apps/Visualizer/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT
> 6.1; WOW64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0"
> /usr/local/src/paraview/4.1.0/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx,
> line 531
> vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x328b7c0): bad X server connection.
> DISPLAY=Aborted (core dumped)
> I'm not sure why I don't see this error or generate a core dump when using
> the configuration file.
> In any case, we are using the 64bit binaries for Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). Do
> we need to compile our own Paraview 4.1? We are having difficulty compiling
> OSMesa support due to missing libraries.
> Thanks, again.
> Sean.
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:44 AM, CLSA Mcmaster <clsamcmaster at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Sebastien
>> Thank you for the very quick reply.
>> I am following this document:
>> http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/#!/guide/ubuntu_14_04
>> I am using paraview version 4.1.0.
>> I get the same result if I go directly to port 8080. I am running in
>> debug mode but I am not seeing anything at all helpful. Firebug shows me:
>> {"id": "103b792a-f6ee-11e3-b1d5-14feb5ee4ae2", "host": "paraview.domain.ca", "port": 9103, "sessionManagerURL":
>> "http://paraview.domain.ca:8080/paraview/", "sessionURL":
>> "ws://paraview.domain.ca/proxy?sessionId=103b792a-f6ee-11e3-b1d5-14feb5ee4ae2"}
>> Followed by:
>> Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://
>> paraview.mcmaster.ca/proxy?sessionId=103b792a-f6ee-11e3-b1d5-14feb5ee4ae2
>> .
>> My Apache config is as follows:
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>       ServerAlias   paraview.domain.ca
>>       ServerAdmin  webmaster at domain.ca
>>       DocumentRoot /data/pvw/www
>>       ErrorLog /data/logs/error.log
>>       CustomLog /data/logs/access.log combined
>>       # Handle launcher forwarding
>>       ProxyPass /paraview http://dragonfly.domain.ca:8080/paraview
>>       # Handle WebSocket forwarding
>>       RewriteEngine On
>>       RewriteMap  session-to-port  txt:/data/proxy.txt
>>       RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}  ^sessionId=(.*)$               [NC]
>>       RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$       ws://${session-to-port:%1}/ws  [P]
>>         <Directory "/data/pvw/www">
>>         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>         Order allow,deny
>>         Allow from all
>>         AllowOverride all
>>         Require all granted
>>         </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> And the launcher.py config file:
>> {"configuration":
>>         {"content":
>>                 "/data/pvw/www",
>>                 "log_dir": "/data/pvw/logs",
>>                 "host": "",
>>                 "endpoint": "paraview",
>>                 "sessionURL": "ws://paraview.domain.ca:8080/",
>>                 "timeout": 5,
>>                 "upload_dir": "/data/pvw/data",
>>                 "fields": ["file", "host", "port", "updir"], "port": 8080,
>>                 "proxy_file": "/data/pvw/conf/proxy.conf"},
>>                 "apps": {"data_prober": {"cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>>                 "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_data_prober.py",
>> "--port", "${port}", "--data-dir", "${data}"]},
>>                 "pipeline": {"cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>>                 "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py",
>>                 "--port", "${port}", "--data-dir", "${data}"]},
>>                 "loader": {"cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>>                 "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_file_loader.py",
>>                 "--port", "${port}",  "--data-dir", "${data}"] }
>> },
>>         "properties":
>>                 {"python_path":
>> "/data/pvw/paraview/lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/",
>>                 "data": "/data/pvw/data",
>>                 "python_exec": "/data/pvw/paraview/bin/pvpython"
>>                 },
>>         "resources":
>>                 [{"port_range": [9001, 9003], "host": ""}],
>> "sessionData": {"updir": "/Home"}
>>                 }
>> One thing I've noticed is that different config files show either ${data}
>> or ${dataDIR} but I do not see these variables defined anywhere.
>> But other than that, I'm stumped.
>> Thanks, once more, for your help.
>> Sean.
>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Sebastien Jourdain <
>> sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure to understand that error either.
>>> Which setup did you followed? Which version of ParaView are you using?
>>> (release/master)
>>> Did you try with a direct connection without apache in the middle? Does
>>> that work?
>>> If so what is your apache setup and launcher.py configuration file?
>>> Any guidance on your setup may help.
>>> Seb
>>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM, CLSA Mcmaster <clsamcmaster at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I feel I am very close to getting this but I need some help.
>>>> I am using Paraview with Python and an Apache front end with proxying.
>>>> My logs show as follows:
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.353847 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5840]
>>>> proxy_util.c(2035): AH00943: http: has released connection for (
>>>> dragonfly.domain.ca)
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.353905 2014] [deflate:debug] [pid 5840]
>>>> mod_deflate.c(764): [client] AH01384: Zlib:
>>>> Compressed 246 to 151 : URL /paraview/, referer:
>>>> http://paraview.domain.ca/apps/FileViewer/
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366482 2014] [authz_core:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_authz_core.c(828): [client] AH01628:
>>>> authorization result: granted (no directives)
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366557 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy.c(1104): [client] AH01143: Running scheme
>>>> ws handler (attempt 0)
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366566 2014] [proxy_ajp:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy_ajp.c(708): [client] AH00894: declining
>>>> URL ws://
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366577 2014] [proxy_http:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy_http.c(1892): [client] AH01113: HTTP:
>>>> declining URL ws://
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366583 2014] [proxy_wstunnel:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy_wstunnel.c(331): [client] AH02451: serving
>>>> URL ws://
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366590 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> proxy_util.c(2020): AH00942: WS: has acquired connection for (*)
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366596 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> proxy_util.c(2072): [client] AH00944: connecting
>>>> ws://
>>>> to
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366665 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> proxy_util.c(2206): [client] AH00947: connected
>>>> /ws?sessionId=c83abd36-f64b-11e3-b1d5-14feb5ee4ae2 to
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.366800 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> proxy_util.c(2610): AH00962: WS: connection complete to
>>>> (
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.574643 2014] [proxy_wstunnel:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy_wstunnel.c(253): [client] AH02445: woke
>>>> from poll(), i=1
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.574681 2014] [proxy_wstunnel:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy_wstunnel.c(262): [client] AH02446: sock
>>>> was readable
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.574725 2014] [proxy_wstunnel:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> mod_proxy_wstunnel.c(129): (104)Connection reset by peer: [client
>>>>] AH02442: error on sock - ap_get_brigade
>>>> [Tue Jun 17 14:18:34.574751 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 5843]
>>>> proxy_util.c(2035): AH00943: WS: has released connection for (*)
>>>> As you can see, I am getting a reset by peer but I'm not sure of the
>>>> cause. Any help or clues would be greatly appreciated.
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