[Paraview] Linking Catalyst example samples with Catalyst

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Tue Jun 17 16:32:43 EDT 2014

Hi Praveen,

Thanks for sharing. Right now we use OSMesa to get rid of the window
popping up. On a lot of the HPC machines we run on there isn't any window
manager or any other GL implementation that is easily usable. I've heard
some stuff on the mailing list to improving that but haven't followed too
closely on it. If you have ideas on how to do that better I'm listening.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Praveen Narayanan <praveenn at nvidia.com>

> I got it to work.
> 1)      The original try using the ‘connect with catalyst’ button in
> paraview: with this, one can create a python script after some
> postprocessing and then run the pipeline later.
> 2)      I can also run it in what it calls batch mode where a window pops
> up for the events.
> Thanks for all the help.
> Attached: animation.avi (created from the files dumped by catalyst)
>                     3.png (screenshot of live video)
> *From:* Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 12, 2014 1:06 PM
> *To:* Praveen Narayanan
> *Cc:* paraview at paraview.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview] Linking Catalyst example samples with Catalyst
> Hi Praveen,
> You need to check the Live Visualization box when exporting the script
> (the first option in the image below). There is an overhead to checking for
> the live connection (it's fairly small but possibly not negligible for
> explicit simulations with a small enough amount of cells per process) so
> that's part of the thinking behind having the user explicitly specify that.
> If you haven't done this, instead of just recreating the script you can
> just change "coprocessor.EnableLiveVisualization(False)" to pass in True
> instead. I'll update gridwriter.py in the repo to have that change as well.
> Also, the way things are set up with miniFE, I wouldn't call it a
> connection to Catalyst since Catalyst is used as a library instead of an
> external process. I just wanted to make it clear that it's not the typical
> client-server connection that's used here.
> Regards,
> Andy
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Praveen Narayanan <praveenn at nvidia.com>
> wrote:
> Not sure if this is the right thread to ask since my original installation
> difficulties have now resolved themselves.
> A few days ago, miniFE instrumented with catalyst was put up at Andy
> Bauer's git repo (https://github.com/acbauer/miniFE-2.0_ref_Catalyst),
> which I built (successful- first make the adaptor and then make the main
> code) and tried running (unsuccessful).
> From what I see, we should call the python pipeline creator by appending
> the name of the file gridwriter.py. However, I cannot get it to show any of
> the data rendered on screen when it does the coprocessing although
> Catalyst::coprocessor creates vtk data structures both for the grid and the
> data associated with the grid, and the python script creates the pipeline
> in the method doCoprocessing (is that the correct interpretation?)
> Currently, it connects to catalyst and executes the pipeline since it
> dumps data files to the disc and generally responds to the simulation. {\bf
> But I cannot get it to render anything live}.
> Thanks
> Praveen.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Boeckel [mailto:ben.boeckel at kitware.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 7:16 AM
> To: Praveen Narayanan
> Cc: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Linking Catalyst example samples with Catalyst
> On Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 02:18:42 -0700, Praveen Narayanan wrote:
> > I am examining the example code for catalyst from Andy Bauer’s git
> > repository (https://github.com/acbauer/CatalystExampleCode).
> >
> > I am trying to learn about the catalyst workflow before using it in my
> > own in situ examples.
> So, first, there is no requirement to use a Catalyst-the-build to use
> Catalyst-the-coprocessing-API. Catalyst builds are meant for use where a
> smaller ParaView is a better fit (super computing, lower memory
> constraints, etc.). The naming is indeed confusing :( .
> > python catalyze.py -i Editions/Base -o ../catalyst_src
> >
> > fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
> >
> > Error: Command '['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']' returned
> > non-zero exit status 128
> You can give `-r <dir>` to tell it the top-level of the source tree.
> Without it, it will try and find the top-level using git, which won't work
> for tarballs. I'll improve the error message.
> > 2)  I tried two of the catalyst sources
> >
> > a.  Base+python: This builds properly and links with the example code
> > (CxxFullExample)
> >
> > b.  Base+essentials+extras+python: This also builds and links with the
> > example code, but I get the following runtime error:
> When do these errors pop up? The Catalyst build trees are slimmed down
> ParaView builds and don't have everything under the sun included (e.g.,
> animation classes are missing). If you need other classes, another edition
> should be made to include the required classes and proxies.
> > 3)  The build base+python runs the example code, but does not connect
> > with catalyst. Furthermore, upon running make test to test with the
> > sample python script in ‘SampleScripts’ (which basically invokes
> > CxxFullExample with the python script as an input argument, I get
> > errors stating that it cannot load some vtk modules, which upon
> > looking turn out not to be built at all
> <snip>
> > I would like to know what I am missing in these builds. It appears
> > that some of the vtk modules are not being built:
> >
> > Error: Could not import vtkCommonComputationalGeometryPython
> >
> > Error: Could not import vtkRenderingCorePython
> >
> > Error: Cannot import vtkPVServerManagerDefaultPython
> >
> > Error: Cannot import vtkPVServerManagerRenderingPython
> >
> > Error: Cannot import vtkPVAnimationPython
> Catalyst builds do not build all ParaView modules, so some missing is
> expected.
> > What is the correct way to get a working run for the examples
> > supplied. Also, how do we connect to catalyst after this?  My
> > understanding is that we just load up paraview (4.1) and then the
> > simulation would connect to catalyst after we hit ‘Connect to
> > Catalyst’ and load up the ‘Coprocessing’ plugin. Does paraview have to
> be built from source?
> The way I've done it is that the simulation loads up Catalyst (using the
> vtkCPProcessor class). ParaView can create Python scripts for use with
> vtkCPPythonScriptPipeline, but if there is a way to use
> ParaView-the-application with in-situ runs, I don't know it. Andy?
> > More specifically, is there a particular download version that might
> > work, and what flags do we turn on in CMakeLists.txt? Is there any
> > other set of examples (although I think the git examples demonstrate
> > the workflow quite properly) that we could use to try catalyst?
> From a full build, PARAVIEW_ENABLE_CATALYST=ON should be all that is
> necessary. From a Catalyst build, the same should be sufficient, but for
> any VTK or ParaView classes which you require, you will need to create an
> edition to bring them in.
> --Ben
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