[Paraview] Clarification on Paraview pvbatch run

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Thu Jun 5 14:07:28 EDT 2014

Ok, so you are correctly using everything.
The question is now on the *OpenFOAMReader and if it properly use MPI to
read and distribute the data.*
*Which unfortunately I don't know.*

*If you want to force a redistribution of your data across your nodes, you
can use the D3 filter just after your reader.*


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Daniele Obiso <
daniele.obiso at phitecingegneria.it> wrote:

>  Hi Sebastien,
> here you can find the main parts of the script.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *try: paraview.simple*
> *except: from paraview.simple import **
> *paraview.simple._DisableFirstRenderCameraReset()*
> *RenderView1 = CreateRenderView()*
> *##### Lights*
> * options *
> *##### Screen** options*
> *##### Set scale parameters*
> *a1_Cp_PVLookupTable = GetLookupTableForArray( "Cp", 3, RGBPoints=[-1,
> 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.75, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], VectorMode='Magnitude',
> NanColor=[0.498039, 0.498039, 0.498039], NumberOfTableValues=100,
> ColorSpace='HSV', LockScalarRange=1 )*
> *a1_Cp_PiecewiseFunction = CreatePiecewiseFunction()*
> *ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1 = CreateScalarBar(Position=[0.33, 0.95],
> Title='Cp [-]', Orientation = 'Horizontal', Position2=[0.4, 0.04],
> Enabled=1, LabelFontSize=12, LabelColor=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
> LookupTable=a1_Cp_PVLookupTable, TitleFontSize=12, TitleColor=[0.0, 0.0,
> 0.0] )*
> *##### Legend position*
> *GetRenderView().Representations.append(ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1)*
> *##### Time*
> *RenderView1 = GetRenderView()*
> *AnimationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()*
> *AnimationScene1.EndTime = 2500*
> *AnimationScene1.AnimationTime = 2500*
> *RenderView1.ViewTime = 2500*
> *##### Open the model: volume mesh*
> *foam_foam = OpenFOAMReader( FileName='../case.foam' )*
> *foam_foam.CellArrays = ['Cp']*
> *foam_foam.CaseType = 'Reconstructed Case'*
> *foam_foam.MeshRegions = ['internalMesh']*
> *DataRepresentation2 = Show()*
> *DataRepresentation2.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 0.01*
> *DataRepresentation2.Representation = 'Outline'*
> *DataRepresentation2.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]*
> *DataRepresentation2.Visibility = 0*
> *##### Slice*
> *RenderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]*
> *RenderView1.CameraPosition = [1.5, 0.3, 18]*
> *RenderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [**1.5, 0.3, 1]*
> *RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [18, 18]*
> *RenderView1.CameraParallelScale = 0.9*
> *SetActiveSource(foam_foam)*
> *Slice1 = Slice( SliceType="Plane" )*
> *Slice1.SliceOffsetValues = [0.0]*
> *Slice1.SliceType.Origin = [0, 0, 0]*
> *Slice1.SliceType.Normal = [0, 0, 1]*
> *Slice1.SliceType = "Plane"*
> *DataRepresentation3 = Show()*
> *DataRepresentation3.Visibility = 1*
> *DataRepresentation3.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]*
> *DataRepresentation3.ColorArrayName = 'Cp'*
> *DataRepresentation3.LookupTable = a1_Cp_PVLookupTable*
> *##### Animation Time*
> *RenderView1 = GetRenderView()*
> *AnimationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()*
> *AnimationScene1.EndTime = 2500*
> *AnimationScene1.AnimationTime = 2500*
> *RenderView1.ViewTime = 2500*
> *AnimationScene1.PlayMode = 'Sequence'*
> *AnimationScene1.NumberOfFrames =10*
> *KeyFrameAnimationCue3 = GetAnimationTrack( 'Origin', 2,
> proxy=Slice1.SliceType)*
> *KeyFrame1111 = CompositeKeyFrame( KeyValues=[0] )*
> *KeyFrame2222 = CompositeKeyFrame( KeyTime=1.0, KeyValues=[1.4] )*
> *TimeAnimationCue1 = GetTimeTrack()*
> *TimeAnimationCue1.UseAnimationTime = 0*
> *KeyFrame3333 = CompositeKeyFrame( KeyTime=1.0, KeyValues=[2500] )*
> *KeyFrame4444 = CompositeKeyFrame( KeyValues=[2500] )*
> *KeyFrameAnimationCue3.KeyFrames = [ KeyFrame1111, KeyFrame2222 ] *
> *TimeAnimationCue1.KeyFrames = [ KeyFrame3333, KeyFrame4444 ]*
> *##### Write*
> *WriteAnimation('Cp.png', Magnification=1, Quality=2, FrameRate=1.000000)*
> *##### End*
> *Render()*
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hope this can help you to understand the problem!
> Thanks for the availability!
> Daniele
> On 06/05/2014 07:04 PM, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
> Is it using the VTK classes or the paraview Proxy?
> Moreover, the reader/source is responsible to distribute the data to
> properly handle parallelism.
> If it does not, then you right, everything will happen on the root node.
>  Hense a quick look at the script can help us determine which part need
> to change in order to truly use parallel processing.
>  Seb
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Daniele Obiso <
> daniele.obiso at phitecingegneria.it> wrote:
>>  Hi Sebastien,
>> thanks for the reply!
>> The script is about creating slice and sweep animation. But it's working
>> fine, i think there is no problem in it.
>> Do you need the script to understand something about the parallelization?
>> Let me know!
>> Daniele
>> On 06/05/2014 04:17 PM, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
>> Hi Daniele,
>>  can you share what your script look like?
>>  Seb
>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:56 AM, Daniele Obiso <
>> daniele.obiso at phitecingegneria.it> wrote:
>>>  Hi All,
>>> i'm writing here because i would understand better the functionality of
>>> pvbatch in Paraview.
>>> At moment i'm able to run Paraview in batch launching a python script,
>>> and it works good.
>>> Here the line command i launch:
>>> */software/Paraview/ParaView-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/lib/paraview-3.12/mpirun
>>> -np 6 /software/Paraview/ParaView-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/bin/pvbatch
>>> python_script.py *
>>> The problem is that monitoring at processors loads and memory
>>> consumption, it seems that it's actually working on one single processor;
>>> in fact if i switch to *-np 2* or even *-np1* nothing changes in terms
>>> of computing time.
>>> This is happening with various Paraview versions (3.10 -3.12-4.1); is
>>> there something missing in the line command? Some other options? Are some
>>> Paraview filters just working as serial?
>>> Another question would be about running pvbatch on clusters without
>>> graphic cards: i know it's possible, compiling Paraview with OSMesa, and
>>> adding in the command line  the option
>>> --*use-offscreen-rendering*. Could someone clarify also this point?
>>> Thank you all in advance!
>>> Daniele
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