[Paraview] Clarification on Paraview pvbatch run

Daniele Obiso daniele.obiso at phitecingegneria.it
Thu Jun 5 03:56:22 EDT 2014

Hi All,

i'm writing here because i would understand better the functionality of 
pvbatch in Paraview.

At moment i'm able to run Paraview in batch launching a python script, 
and it works good.

Here the line command i launch:
-np 6 /software/Paraview/ParaView-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/bin/pvbatch 
python_script.py /_

The problem is that monitoring at processors loads and memory 
consumption, it seems that it's actually working on one single 
processor; in fact if i switch to /-np 2/ or even /-np1/ nothing changes 
in terms of computing time.
This is happening with various Paraview versions (3.10 -3.12-4.1); is 
there something missing in the line command? Some other options? Are 
some Paraview filters just working as serial?

Another question would be about running pvbatch on clusters without 
graphic cards: i know it's possible, compiling Paraview with OSMesa, and 
adding in the command line  the option
--/use-offscreen-rendering/. Could someone clarify also this point?

Thank you all in advance!

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