[Paraview] Getting Polygonal Mesh(Surface) instead of Volumetric Mesh (Mesh over surface and volume)

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Wed Jun 4 06:05:08 EDT 2014

Hello All,

I have two related questions, so I will ask them in the same email.

Question 1 :
I have a .csv file which contains 65535 points. I would like to get a
volumetric mesh of it. I have imported these points as delimited text (;).

Then I apply the following filters so my pipeline looks like this :

1. Original Data(*.csv) (Type = table)
2. TableToPoints (Type = Polygonal Mesh that has 1 cell and 65535 Points)
3. Delaunay3D (Type = Unstructured Grid, cells=388749; Points=65535)

I am hoping to get a Volumetric mesh from my original points. Unfortunately
What I get with Delaunay3D filter is just a Polygonal Mesh that contains
only mesh at surfaces.  Is there anyway to fix this problem?

Question 2: If I import the *.csv file and then I apply the filter
TableToStructuredGrid :

1. Original Data(*.csv) (Type = table)
2. TableToStructuredGrid (Type= Structured Curvilinear Grid)

First I have to be very careful that the whole extent in x,y,z dimention
conforms with the NumberOfRows I have in my *.csv file and then the grid I
get is not what I am looking for.

Is there a neat way to give a group of coordinates (x,y,z) and get the
finest mesh possible out of it ?

I have tried a lot and didn´t get any results.
I have attached the mesh result from TableToStructuredGrid filter. This is
not the mesh I was hoping to get.
I´d appreciate any help.

Thanks in Advance
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