[Paraview] ParaView superbuild matplotlib not finding numpy (UNCLASSIFIED)

Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US) simon.m.su.ctr at mail.mil
Tue Jun 3 09:33:43 EDT 2014

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


The find didn't find anything...

ssu:01% pwd
ssu:01% find . -name *numpy*
find: No match.

But, the install directory has the following directories

bin  etc  include  lib  lib64  share  var

and I believe numpy is in

ssu:01% pwd
ssu:01% ll
total 8
drwx------ 18 ssu ssu 4096 May 30 11:41 numpy
-rw-------  1 ssu ssu 1658 May 30 11:41 numpy-1.6.2-py2.6.egg-info

lib64 only has a single python2.6 directory.... and all others are located in 
lib directory....  is this going to be a problem?


-----Original Message-----
From: Cory Quammen [mailto:cory.quammen at kitware.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 9:25 AM
Cc: ParaView
Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView superbuild matplotlib not finding numpy 


That looks like what I would expect.

Next, could you navigate to


and send me the results of running

find . -name *numpy*


On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US) 
<simon.m.su.ctr at mail.mil> wrote:

	Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
	Caveats: NONE

	Hi Cory,

	When I do a make numpy, this is what I got the following.
	In the pv-matplotlib-build.cmake file attached, -DNUMPY_INSTALL_DIR is 


	Thanks for your help

	================ make numpy =========================

	-- Enabling zlib since needed by: boost;ffmpeg;freetype;hdf5;png;silo
	-- Enabling boost as requested.
	-- Enabling ffmpeg as requested.
	-- Enabling freetype as requested.
	-- Enabling libxml2 as requested.
	-- Enabling fontconfig as requested.
	-- Enabling szip as requested.
	-- Enabling hdf5 as requested.
	-- Enabling python as requested.
	-- Enabling numpy as requested.
	-- Enabling png as requested.
	-- Enabling matplotlib as requested.
	-- Enabling mpi as requested.
	-- Enabling osmesa as requested.
	-- Enabling qhull as requested.
	-- Enabling silo as requested.
	-- Enabling visitbridge as requested.
	-- Enabling paraview as requested.
	-- Configuring done
	-- Generating done
	-- Build files have been written to:

	[ 50%] Built target python
	[100%] Built target numpy


	-----Original Message-----
	From: Cory Quammen [mailto:cory.quammen at kitware.com]
	Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 8:50 AM
	To: Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US)
	Cc: ParaView
	Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView superbuild matplotlib not finding numpy

	Hi Simon,

	You normally shouldn't have to point to the numpy directory, especially when
	you are opting to build numpy, as your options show. I wonder if your numpy
	built successfully.

	If you navigate to


	and run 'make numpy', does it succeed?

	Also, what can you send me the file
	There should be an option -DNUMPY_INSTALL_DIR:PATH in the command variable.


	On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US)
	<simon.m.su.ctr at mail.mil> wrote:

	        Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
	        Caveats: NONE


	        How do you specify to the superbuild process when building 
	        numpy was built?  I  configured cmake using the following and the 
	        message at the end of the email


	        cmake \
	        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${HOME}/pv-test/${version}_osmesa \
	        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
	        -DParaView_FROM_GIT=ON \
	        -DENABLE_boost=ON \
	        -DENABLE_cgns=OFF \
	        -DENABLE_ffmpeg=ON \
	        -DENABLE_fontconfig=ON \
	        -DENABLE_freetype=ON \
	        -DENABLE_hdf5=ON \
	        -DENABLE_libxml2=ON \
	        -DENABLE_matplotlib=ON \
	        -DENABLE_mesa=OFF \
	        -DENABLE_mpi=ON \
	        -DENABLE_numpy=ON \
	        -DENABLE_osmesa=ON \
	        -DENABLE_paraview=ON \
	        -DENABLE_png=ON \
	        -DENABLE_python=ON \
	        -DENABLE_qhull=ON \
	        -DENABLE_qt=OFF \
	        -DENABLE_silo=ON \
	        -DENABLE_szip=ON \
	        -DENABLE_visitbridge=ON \
	        -DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi=ON \
	        -DUSE_SYSTEM_python=ON \
	        -DUSE_SYSTEM_zlib=ON \

	        ===================== error message
	        -- Enabling zlib since needed by: boost;ffmpeg;freetype;hdf5;png;silo
	        -- Enabling boost as requested.
	        -- Enabling ffmpeg as requested.
	        -- Enabling freetype as requested.
	        -- Enabling libxml2 as requested.
	        -- Enabling fontconfig as requested.
	        -- Enabling szip as requested.
	        -- Enabling hdf5 as requested.
	        -- Enabling python as requested.
	        -- Enabling numpy as requested.
	        -- Enabling png as requested.
	        -- Enabling matplotlib as requested.
	        -- Enabling mpi as requested.
	        -- Enabling osmesa as requested.
	        -- Enabling qhull as requested.
	        -- Enabling silo as requested.
	        -- Enabling visitbridge as requested.
	        -- Enabling paraview as requested.
	        -- Configuring done
	        -- Generating done
	        -- Build files have been written to:
	        [ 20%] [ 22%] [ 29%] [ 38%] [ 38%] [ 37%] [ 40%] [ 40%] Built target 
	        Built target szip
	        Built target python
	        Built target libxml2
	        Built target visitbridge
	        Built target osmesa
	        Built target mpi
	        Performing update step for 'qhull'
	        [ 49%] [ 55%] Built target freetype
	        [ 70%] [ 70%] [ 73%] [ 73%] Built target hdf5
	        Built target numpy
	        Built target png
	        Built target boost
	        Built target ffmpeg
	        [ 78%] Built target fontconfig
	        [ 81%] [ 84%] Built target silo
	        Performing build step for 'matplotlib'
	        LD_LIBRARY_PATH =
	        Already on 'master'
	        Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
	        CMake Error at
	          Failed to locate numpy-egg

	        CMake Error at

	        make[2]: *** [matplotlib/src/matplotlib-stamp/matplotlib-build] Error 
	        make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/matplotlib.dir/all] Error 2
	        make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
	        [ 85%] Performing configure step for 'qhull'

	        Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
	        Caveats: NONE

	        Powered by www.kitware.com

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	        Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:

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	Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
	Caveats: NONE

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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