[Paraview] what python library to use when compiling ParaView using windows 7 64bit VS2013 express (UNCLASSIFIED)

Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US) simon.m.su.ctr at mail.mil
Mon Jul 28 11:49:22 EDT 2014

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


When I used WinPython-64bit- (which allows installation of Python
library without admin rights but has no python debug library) library to
compile ParaView with VS2013 express edition, I get this tons of warning
messages. Search the web, someone mentioned WinPython-64bit- wasn't
compiled with VS2013 express edition and I shouldn't be using library
compiled with one Visual Studio version in another version of VS. 

Is compiling a version of python from source code using vs2013 express the
only way available to me? Or is there python library compiled with vs2013
express out there that I am yet to find? Or can I just ignore the warning
messages in VS2013 express?

Any help is much appreciated


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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