[Paraview] Clean Grid and Average Point Data

Tristan Schlögl tristan.schloegl at ltd.uni-erlangen.de
Mon Jul 28 08:37:57 EDT 2014


I'm using ParaView to visualise finite element simulation results created by
the deal.ii C++ library. Deal.ii outputs hex elements such that each element
has its own vertices. To illustrate that point a simple cube consisting of 8
elements and 27 nodes has 8*8=64 data points. When I display vector valued
data as glyphs I have multiple vectors at the same location resulting from
the contributions of neighbouring cells, see
http://blogs.fau.de/schloegl/files/2014/07/orig_grid.png .

I now want to display only a single vector at each point, namely the average
value of all contributions. I tried and applied a "Clean to Grid" filter,
http://blogs.fau.de/schloegl/files/2014/07/clean_grid.png .
This is quite good already however, it seems that ParaView only takes one of
the vectors for each point and not the average (see top mid vector of the
front (z-max) face).

Is there any other way to realise what I need in ParaView?


Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Schlögl
Chair of Applied Dynamics
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Haberstrasse 1
D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
room 01.013
phone +49 (0)9131 85 61003
fax +49 (0)9131 85 61011
url www.ltd.tf.uni-erlangen.de

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