[Paraview] Plotting an extracted selection

Ainsworth, Robert ainswort at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Jul 24 13:45:56 EDT 2014


I am having difficult trying to plot an extracted selection. My workflow is to open the mesh and data using the SLACTools plugin. Then extract a block and then select cells and perform extract selection.

If I save the data of the extracted selection as a csv and plot two variables against each other I get the expected results. However, if I try to use the plot data filter on the same extracted selection I get unexpected results. Essentially, the plot data filter for the same two variables plots far two many data points and the data doesn’t seem to make sense. The bounds of the data seems right thought. I do not understand why the paraview plot and saving as a file and plotting gives different results?

I am using Paraview 4.1.0 on Mac.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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