[Paraview] vtkPVCameraCueManipulator (0x8353f8e60): Too few keyframes to animate.

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jul 23 11:11:15 EDT 2014

While it's hard to get right of those values from trace, what's definitely
working already is the development version is, if you're tracing and you
hit the "reset camera" button", it will trace the Python method to use to
do extactly that which is "ResetCamera" and not the actual camera property
values. Would that help?


On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Anton Shterenlikht <mexas at bris.ac.uk>

> >From utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com Wed Jul 23 15:02:03 2014
> >
> >Can you switch the lines "WriteAnimation" and "CameraAnimationCue.KeyFrame
> >=...". The WrieAnimation should happen after that.
> yes, that helped, thanks.
> > Seems like a bug in the
> >tracing code. The tracing code is being revamped. Although animation has
> >been skipped in this revamp, it's on my todo list for subsequent release.
> If you are talking about revamping,
> would be great to get an easier way
> to specify various parameters as
> variables, not actual values, e.g.
> in this code, produced by the tracer:
> RenderView1.CameraPosition = [127.5, 127.5, 883.8540784668097]
> RenderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [127.5, 127.5, 95.5]
> RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [590.4255376821416, 1039.4068896438118]
> RenderView1.CameraParallelScale = 204.0410497914574
> all number will have to be changed
> if the size of my model changes,
> but it's not clear how to scale
> them with the data.
> Many thanks
> Anton
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