[Paraview] How to speed up data reading

Jérémy Santina jeremy.santina at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 08:26:19 EDT 2014

Good afternoon,

I am working with ParaView in parallel and I am trying to vizualise a big
data as efficiently as possible. I am reading Tecplot Binary Files (.plt).
For now, I am simply using a computer as a pvserver and my data is stored
via NFS.

When I am launching the vizualisation, I notice that it is very slow.
Looking at the Timer Log, I understood that is because the reading is
taking a lot of time. I think it is mainly because the reader used is not
implemented to work in parallel and only one process can read the data.

So here are my questions :
  - Considering the Tecplot Binary File Format, is it possible to write a
parallel reader ?
  - Does NFS considerably slow down the reading ?
  - Is there any other issues that could cause a slow reading ? In that
case, how could I fix it ?

Thank you in advance for your help.
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