[Paraview] ParaView Python problem

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Jul 7 16:21:44 EDT 2014

BTW, this issue has been resolved in the development version of
ParaView and the fix will be included in the next release.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
<utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
> I should have read the full email :)...ok..so this fails only with
> pvpython. I'll take a look.
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
> <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Ah! I think the Python calculator is corrupting the global context
>> since both, the filter and the main script run within the same Python
>> interpreter. Is this using pvpython or Python shell in the UI?
>> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 6:30 AM, Ian Krukow <i.krukow at tu-braunschweig.de> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I like to keep different modules apart in python, therefore I use
>>>     import paraview.simple as pv
>>> instead of
>>>     from paraview.simple import *
>>> I never had problems with this, until I included the Python Calculator in my
>>> script. Whenever I call "pv.Show()" on the Python Calculator, "pv" (my
>>> ParaView module) is overwritten with some strange function object, and with
>>> the next call of pv, I get an error. An example script is given below. I am
>>> using ParaView 4.1.0, Windows binaries.
>>> Now, there are, of course, several possibilities to prevent this from
>>> happening, but I do not see any reason for this behaviour. Any ideas?
>>> Kind regards
>>> Ian
>>> Example script:
>>> import paraview.simple as pv
>>> sphere = pv.Sphere()
>>> pv.GetRenderView()
>>> pv.Show()
>>> pycalc = pv.PythonCalculator()
>>> pycalc.Expression = 'Normals'
>>> pycalc.ArrayName = 'Deformation'
>>> pv.Show()
>>> clip = pv.Clip()
>>> pv.Show()
>>> pv.Render()
>>> On the "pv.Clip" call, I get
>>> AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'Clip'
>>> It works fine in the GUI's Python Shell
>>> --
>>> Dipl.-Ing. Ian Krukow
>>> Tel +49 531 391-3673
>>> Technische Universität Braunschweig
>>> Institut für Statik/SFB 880
>>> Beethovenstr. 51
>>> 38106 Braunschweig
>>> Deutschland
>>> www.statik.tu-braunschweig.de
>>> sfb880.tu-braunschweig.de
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