[Paraview] Issue with ParaView rendering

John Mangeri john.mangeri at uconn.edu
Mon Jul 7 14:00:00 EDT 2014

I'm currently trying to compare two different mesh solution output files in
ParaView 4.1.0 Linux64bit(Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). I'm getting an strange error
that doesn't make much sense and I think may have something to do with my

I have a data range for the following variables to be rendered.


disp_Magnitude: [0,.100]
disp_x: [-0.001,0.001]
disp_y: [-2e-5, 2e-5]
disp_z: [-0.10, 2e-6]


disp_Magnitude: [0,.100]
disp_x: [-0.002,0.002]
disp_y: [-8e-6,0.001]
disp_z: [-0.10,0.0110]

File_2 seems to be able to be rendered fine in ParaView but File_1 is
giving me troubles. It says "Data range too small to render" in the corner
Mapping Data section. I have another program(a simple gui with my solver)
that can open these types of files(Exodus II .e format) and all is fine(no
errors, the data is there) for both File_1 and File_2. Does anyone know
what might be going on here?

A couple things I've tried

-For File_1 I tried to set a log scale for the color map transfer function
and got this error:

" Warning: Range [0,0.100038] invalid for log scaling. Changing to

So I know that the program sees the correct data range or does it?

-I've also looked in the information tab for my exodus object in ParaView.
It says my data ranges for all of the variables are type double [0,0] but
this is absolutely wrong since I can open the same file in my gui and view
the mesh with the correct data ranges for each of these variables. I also
think the error for log scale conflicts this statement. Why does the
information tab say [0,0] but log scale reads a range of [0,0.1]?

-If I open File_1 and then open File_2 in this order I get the same error
for File_2 that I get for File_1. Then if I change my disp_Mag variable to
disp_X the problem ceases for File_2

-Other unrelated files are giving me the same error but the data type data
range is listed as double [.05,.05]

Also I'm sure all of my settings are set to DEFAULT since I haven't changed
them at all.

Thanks for the help
John M
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