[Paraview] bug in v4.1

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Jan 31 08:18:52 EST 2014


I suspect depth peeing (which is for the most part critical for
translucent rendering) doesn't work well with your graphics
card/drivers. Try upgrading your drivers. If that doesn't help, you
may have to disable depth peeling by unchecking the "Enable Depth
Peeling" checkbox on the Edit | Settings dialog's Render View page.
Note with depth peeling disabled, translucent polygons will not look


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Weiguang Guan <guanw at rhpcs.mcmaster.ca> wrote:
> Version: Paraview 4.1.0 64-bit on Windows
> Recipe to reproduce the bug: (1) Sources->Cone; (2) Change opacity by moving
> the slider. A window will pop up, and it keeps printing message:
> C:\DBD\pvs-x64\paraview\src\paraview\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL\vtkOpenGLRenderer.cxx,
> line 1068
> vtkOpenGLRenderer (000000000B2CDC50): failed after RenderPeel 1 OpenGL
> errors detected
> 0 : (1282) Invalid operation
> whenever it refreshes the display, even though the opacity is effectively
> changed.
> Weiguang
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