[Paraview] How to compute functions for all particles and plot as function of time

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jan 28 21:32:24 EST 2014

Have you tried selecting all the particles, then applying "Plot Selection
Over Time", however this time checking the "Only report selection
statistics" property?

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:01 PM, William Oquendo <woquendo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have a system of particles printed on vtp files. I am visualising them
> on Paraview, and want to analyse some dynamic info. Each particle has its
> own position and velocity vectors, and mass (scalar) as well, plus some
> other scalars and vectors not relevant now. Let/s say that I want to plot
> the *total* kinetic energy as a function of time. I was able to plot the
> individual kinetic energies per particle for each time (using the
> calculator and plot data filters), and also to plot the kinetic energy for
> a single selected  particle as function of time (after selecting the
> particle and using the plot selection over time filter). But I haven't
> found how to use the Python calculator or similar to compute that aggregate
> quantity (total kinetic energy in this example), and to plot it as a
> function of time.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> --
> Best regards / Cordialmente,
> William-Fernando Oquendo
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