[Paraview] Scene exporter development : Information and resources

Nicholas Yue yue.nicholas at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 00:41:48 EST 2014

On 21/01/14 1:56 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> Nicholas,
> There's not much to it once you have the vtkExporter subclass ready.
> For making that exporter available in ParaView, you create a XML
> putting the definition under the "exporters" group. The proxy
> definition should use a
> (http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/cxx-doc/classvtkSMExporterProxy.html)
> (or subclass, e.g. RenderViewExporterProxy).
> The exporter dialog when created looks for all definitions available
> under the "exporters" group that "CanExport"
> (http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/cxx-doc/classvtkSMExporterProxy.html#a6a12e9c1401140db5a278617901a0603)
> the active view and add that exporter's extension to the list.
Thank you.

Is there a URL to read up on how build build Paraview so that the 
headers and library files are also installed ?

My OS X install image does not come with the required vtkSMExporterProxy 
header file or library to build those plugins.


Nicholas Yue
Graphics - RenderMan, Visualization, OpenGL, HDF5
Custom Dev - C++ porting, OSX, Linux, Windows

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