[Paraview] weird behavior with GroupDatasets filter

Ryan Abernathey ryan.abernathey at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 13:14:57 EST 2014


I have encountered a confusing behavior with the GroupDatasets filter. I
hope you can help me resolve it. My datasets are much too large to share on
the list, so hopefully the attached screenshots will suffice.

My pipeline begins with two VTK sources, both using the same rectilinear
grid. They are both timeseries: UV.0000*.vtr and THETA.0000*.vtr, with
identical sequence numbering. UV contains two point-data arrays (U and V),
while THETA contains only one (THETA).

I would like to group these two sources together so I can, for example, use
the calculator to calculate quantities based on both. However, when I use
the GroupDatasets filter, only one of the two sources is passed through
correctly. Even though they both appear, only the most recently added
dataset actually passes through its values.

This should be clear from the screenshots.

Here is the U variable, from the original source (UV.00000*)
[image: Inline image 1]

Here is the same variable from the GroupDatasets filter. Just zeros as far
as I can tell, although, curiously, the range is still detected correctly
for the colorbar. The variable name has also been changed to U (partial).
[image: Inline image 2]

In contrast, here is the THETA (partial) variable within the GroupDatasets
filter. As you can see, its values made it through fine.
[image: Inline image 3]

Please help me! This seems like a very straightforward thing to do, and I
can't understand why it doesn't work.


p.s. I am using 4.1.1, but I verified the same problem happens in 4.0.1.
p.p.s. Sorry for the low resolution of the images. The mailing list has
strict size limits.
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