[Paraview] How to display normals, INPUT from a VTK file in Paraview ?

Vincent Leroy vincent.leroy at innosea.fr
Tue Jan 14 10:14:53 EST 2014



I am a new user of Paraview. I am facing a problem I cannot solve and I
have not found any relevant practice on the internet (guide user,
mailing, ...)... I want to visualise my mesh with normals specified IN
MY VTK FILE (and NOT the Normals Glyphs calculated by the software) (I
have these normals calculations in another code and I do not want to
change that). 

I am importing a mesh in Paraview from a VTK file. The VTK file contains
the following elements: 

# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
hydrodynamic vtk mesh for paraview vizu
POINTS 458 float
x0 y0 z0 (points coordinates) 

... ... ... 


POLYGONS 465 2325 

4 n1 n2 n3 n4 (points IDs) 

4 ... ... ... ... 



NORMALS cell_normals float 

... ... ... (normals coordinates) 

A 'cell_normals' array appears in 'Information'; I am able to color the
surface (each cell) of the mesh according to the values of the
cell_normals array (Magnitude, X, Y or Z) but nothing more. This gives
me information on the normals orientation but I have no visual on the

How is it possible de visualise these normals (displayed as vectors) on
Paraview without calculating them with the software? What is the correct
pratice ? I need to know if they are well oriented, I also need some
visual on the mesh I am studying. 

Thanks a lot, 

Best regards. 


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