[Paraview] Status of reload button?

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jan 14 02:59:46 EST 2014

Dear ParaView crew,
congratulations on your 4.1 release, I am looking forward to give it and
its new features a try.

Sadly, once more I am missing the long awaited (5 years [1]), highly
demanded (203 votes on uservoice [2]), but still back locked [3] reload
Can you give an official statement whether this is planned for the near
future? Is there a technical or other reason that makes this button so
difficult to implement? How about a fund raising campaign to get some
money for its development? I am sure there are plenty of bugged users
willing to sponsor the reload button.

Love your work,

[1] http://paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=7306
[2] http://paraview.uservoice.com/
[3] http://paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=12100

Une science n'était vraiment développée que quand elle
pouvait utiliser les mathématiques.    (Paul Lafargue)

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