[Paraview] Particles-in-Cells: Two XDMF files?

Huebl, Axel a.huebl at hzdr.de
Fri Feb 28 04:02:20 EST 2014


did anyone else try combining a mesh and a polydata data set in *one*
xdmf file with paraview before?


On 24.02.2014 15:45, Huebl, Axel wrote:
> Hi ParaView mailing list,
> we are adding paraview/xdmf support to our particle-in-cell code
> PIConGPU [1] right now. To start with the general topology:
> The particle in cell algorithm stores field data (scalars and vectors)
> on a grid, in the simplest case a 3DCoRectMesh. In between the mesh
> points live particles, described with a Polyvertex topology.
> The problem that now arises: we would like to describe both grid and
> polyvertex data in the *same xdmf file*.
> Doing so, e.g. by combining them on the <Domain> level in two separate
> "Temporal Collections" causes ParaView to refuse volume-rendering the
> fields (not available in the drop down menu).
> Adding two Domains to one file causes ParaView to omit the second data
> domain during load.
> Adding both grid types in the same "Temporal Collection" causes a crash.
> Do we really have to write two xdmf files or did we miss a point?
> A snippet of our data structures, stored in a hdf5 file per time step:
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <Xdmf>
>   <Domain>
>     <Grid CollectionType="Temporal" GridType="Collection" Name="Grids">
>       <Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="Grid_0_0">
>         <Topology Dimensions="256 768 256" TopologyType="3DCoRectMesh"/>
>         <Geometry Type="ORIGIN_DXDYDZ">
>           <DataItem Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.0 0.0 0.0</DataItem>
>           <DataItem Dimensions="3" Format="XML">1.0 1.0 1.0</DataItem>
>         </Geometry>
>         <Attribute Name="fields/Density_e">
>           <DataItem Dimensions="256 768 256" Format="HDF"
> NumberType="Float" Precision="4">h5_0.h5:Density_e</DataItem>
>         </Attribute>
>       </Grid>
>       <!-- .... -->
>     </Grid>
>   </Domain>
> </Xdmf>
> and the particles:
> <Xdmf>
>   <Domain>
>     <Grid CollectionType="Temporal" GridType="Collection" Name="Polys">
>       <Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="Poly_0_0">
>         <Topology NodesPerElement="94109696" TopologyType="Polyvertex"/>
>         <Attribute Name="particles/e/weighting">
>           <DataItem Dimensions="94109696" Format="HDF"
> NumberType="Float" Precision="4">h5_0.h5:weighting</DataItem>
>         </Attribute>
>         <Time TimeType="Single" Value="0"/>
>         <Attribute AttributeType="Vector" Name="particles/e/momentum">
>           <DataItem Dimensions="94109696 3" Function="JOIN($0,$1,$2)"
> ItemType="Function">
>             <DataItem Dimensions="94109696" Format="HDF"
> NumberType="Float" Precision="4">h5_0.h5:momentum/x</DataItem>
>             <DataItem Dimensions="94109696" Format="HDF"
> NumberType="Float" Precision="4">h5_0.h5:momentum/y</DataItem>
>             <DataItem Dimensions="94109696" Format="HDF"
> NumberType="Float" Precision="4">h5_0.h5:momentum/z</DataItem>
>           </DataItem>
>         </Attribute>
>       </Grid>
>       <!-- .... -->
>     </Grid>
>   </Domain>
> </Xdmf>
> Best regards and thanks for your Feedback,
> Axel Huebl
> [1] http://picongpu.hzdr.de

. Axel Huebl               - Diploma Student        .
. a.huebl at hzdr.de          - Phone +49 351 260 3582 .
.            https://www.hzdr.de/crp                .
.                                                   .
. Computational Radiation Physics                   .
. Laser Particle Acceleration Division              .
. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e.V.       .
.                                                   .
. Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden           .
. POB 510119, D-01314 Dresden                       .
. Vorstand: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. R. Sauerbrey           .
.           Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. P. Joehnk              .
. VR 1693 beim Amtsgericht Dresden                  .

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