[Paraview] Getting values out of ParaView without Python?

Jesse Samluk sevensam at udel.edu
Tue Feb 25 14:49:17 EST 2014

Greetings all,

   Keeping with the animation topic, I made an animation with several camera values, such that I had my object face front, got the value of the coordinates and made a time slot for it in the overall animation scheme, turned it up, got the value of those coordinates and made a time slot for that in the scheme, turned it down, etc. etc.

  Now, is there any possible way to extract those values? I have to do several animations of similar object using the same animation scheme and I would hate to reinvent the wheel each time. 

 Utkarsh recommended a Python script - I unfortunately do not know anything about Python.

  Can anyone suggest any alternative method? Please let me know if you need to see the animation.


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