[Paraview] Two Machines - Each one with one monitor - Mirrored and different angles of the same data

Léo Pessanha leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 10:40:25 EST 2014


Working with | Windows 7 - 64bit  | in both machines

I am a paraview user, i work with oil leak data

My next task is to do the following:

I have two machines and each one controls a monitor.

The monitors are disposed in a way that a L shape is created(one is in the

I want to see the same thing in both machines but i want to be able to
change the angle like on cave.pvx parameters

LowerLeft="-1 -1 -2"
LowerRight="1 -1 -2"
UpperRight="1  1 -2"

but in different machines.

The angle that i wanna change is the inicial one.  Something like in the
front monitor i am looking the data from the front and in the other monitor
i am looking the data from the top

How am i supposed to do that?

The things that i already know how to do:

Having ONLY ONE machine with 2 monitors changing the angles of each monitor
on a .pvx file

Connect to a server and have the front view for everyone with a master
controlling the angles for everyone or each one controlling the own angle

If it gets hard to explain i can try to explain better

Sorry for the bad english

Leonardo Pessanha
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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