[Paraview] PV-4.1 plot over line, how to use symbols

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Dec 19 09:24:44 EST 2014

In the "Series Parameters" section, you can click on the series you want to
change the properties for and then use the combo-boxes under it to change
the "marker style" and "line styles".

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 7:03 AM, Stephen Wornom <stephen.wornom at inria.fr>
>  How does one use symbols rather than solid line?
> Thanks,
> Stephen
> --
>  Tandem cylinders pressure waves
> <http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Stephen.Wornom/animate_tandem_cylinders_sound_waves.html>
> pressure wave explosion when vortex shedding begins (be patient, startup
> is slow)
> <http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Stephen.Wornom/animate_tandem_cylinders_pressure-wave_explosion_when_vortex_shedding_starts.html>
> Square cylinder Re= 22400: dynamic vs non-dynamic (patience)
> <http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Stephen.Wornom/animate_square_cylinder_vorticity_dynamic_vs_non-dynamic.html>
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