[Paraview] Trajectories of material points

CARDOLACCIA Jérome jerome.cardolaccia at cea.fr
Thu Dec 4 03:03:38 EST 2014

Thank you for your answer.
It WAS a multiblock dataset, but as you mentioned it as a potential issue, I made it even simpler : one temporal dataset with a unique block of 8 points and 2 fields (displacement=DEPL and velocity=VITE). No more success for me, the ParticlePath filter proves to be highly unstable (version 4.2.0 on Linux 64 bits).
You will find my data in the attached tarball.

De : Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com]
Envoyé : mercredi 3 décembre 2014 20:14
Cc : paraview at paraview.org
Objet : Re: [Paraview] Trajectories of material points

Is your data set a multiblock data set? If it is, you may need to have all of the same point data fields ordered in the same way on each block. You can use the pass arrays filter to get rid of all of the arrays that you don't use if this is the case. Also, certain readers (the openFOAM reader for example), has different arrays at the first time step than the others and this can cause problems as well.

Can you share your data set? The particle paths filter can be a bit finicky.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:05 PM, CARDOLACCIA Jérome <jerome.cardolaccia at cea.fr<mailto:jerome.cardolaccia at cea.fr>> wrote:

I have a very simple temporal dataset, consisting of half a dozen  points with two fields : displacement and velocity.
I can animate the motion thanks to the WarpByVector filter (applied to the displacement field) : this shows the successive positions of the points.
Now I also want to display the trajectory of these points, that is the line joining all of their previous positions up to the current ones.

This seem to be quite basic, but I cannot find a way to do it (the ParticlePath filter seems to be the closest match, but it crashes Paraview with this kind of dataset).

If someone has ever had success doing this, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Jerome Cardolaccia

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