[Paraview] paraview web issues "authentication error" in browser.

Ying Xu yxu at ssc.net.cn
Tue Dec 2 03:04:07 EST 2014

Hi Seb,

Thanks for the info. The client browser opens properly with "--authKey", 
"${secret}" removed.

=>  "sessionURL" :  "ws://${port}/proxy?sessionId=${id}"
${port} should be there otherwise  "pvpython pv_web_visualizer.py" is 
not issued.



On 2014-12-2 0:53, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
> Hi Ying,
> instead of pipeline, it should be Visualizer, but I've also noticed 
> something strange in your launcher config.
> =>  "sessionURL" :  "ws://${port}/proxy?sessionId=${id}"
> Why do you have ${port} here is you are using apache to forward 
> the web socket?
> Another thing that you can do is remove all the [ "--authKey", 
> "${secret}" ] inside the "cmd" sections.
> Seb
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 9:31 AM, 研发-徐莹 <yxu at ssc.net.cn 
> <mailto:yxu at ssc.net.cn>> wrote:
>     Hi All
>     I tried to install paraview web with apache as the front end and
>     followed the information on
>     http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#!/guide/ubuntu_14_04
>     <http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#%21/guide/ubuntu_14_04>
>     The web browser can open the index.html and when I tried to open
>     localhost:8080/apps/pipeline, the client browser issues a warning
>     "authentication error" and pipeline page closed automatically. The
>     backend opens a "pvpython pv_web_visualizer.py --port ${PORT}
>     --data-dir ${data_dir}", but failed at
>     "--authKey ${secret}"
>     The OS is Suse 11.2 and I compiled apache 2.4.10 in my home dir.
>     httpd-vhost.conf is
>     <VirtualHost *:8080>
>         ServerName
>         ServerAdmin yxu at ssc.net.cn <mailto:yxu at ssc.net.cn>
>         DocumentRoot /home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/www
>         ErrorLog /home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/logs/pvw-error.log
>         LogLevel debug rewrite:trace3
>         CustomLog /home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/logs/pvw-custom.log combined
>     #     # Have Apache pass these requests to the launcher
>           ProxyPass /paraview http://localhost:8081/paraview
>           # Turn on the rewrite engine
>           RewriteEngine On
>           RewriteMap session-to-port
>     txt:/home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/proxy.txt
>           RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)$ [NC]
>           RewriteRule     ^/proxy.*$  ws://${session-to-port:%1}/ws  [P]
>     #    <Directory "<MY-DOCUMENT-ROOT">
>         <Directory /home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/www>
>             Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>     Order allow,deny
>             Allow from all
>             AllowOverride None
>             Require all granted
>         </Directory>
>     </VirtualHost>
>     the json file is
>     {
>         "configuration": {
>             "log_dir": "/home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/logs",
>             "host": "localhost",
>             "endpoint": "paraview",
>             "sessionURL" :
>      "ws://${port}/proxy?sessionId=${id}",
>             "timeout": 25,
>             "fields": ["file", "host", "port"],
>             "port": 8081,
>             "proxy_file": "/home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/proxy.txt"
>         },
>         "resources": [{"port_range": [9001, 9003], "host": "localhost"}],
>         "properties": {
>             "python_path":
>     "/home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/pv/ParaView-noqt-mesa-v4.1-bin/lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/",
>             "data": "/home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/data",
>             "python_exec":
>     "/home/yxu/apache/pvw-test/pv/ParaView-noqt-mesa-v4.1-bin/bin/pvpython"
>         },
>         "apps": {
>             "pipeline": {
>                 "cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>     "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py", "--port",
>     "${port}", "--data-dir", "${data}", "-f", "--authKey", "${secret}"],
>                 "ready_line" : "Starting factory"
>              },
>              "visualizer": {
>                 "cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>     "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py", "--port",
>     "${port}", "--data-dir", "${data}", "-f", "--authKey", "${secret}"],
>                 "ready_line" : "Starting factory"
>              },
>              "loader": {
>                 "cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>     "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_file_loader.py", "--port",
>     "${port}", "--data-dir", "${data}", "-f", "--authKey", "${secret}"],
>                 "ready_line" : "Starting factory"
>              },
>              "data_prober": {
>                 "cmd": ["${python_exec}",
>     "${python_path}/paraview/web/pv_web_data_prober.py", "--port",
>     "${port}", "--data-dir", "${data}", "-f", "--authKey", "${secret}"],
>                 "ready_line" : "Starting factory"
>              }
>          }
>     }
>     All comments and input are welcome.
>     Thanks!
>     Ying
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     徐莹
>     上海超级计算中心  研发部
>     上海市郭守敬路585号,201203
>     email: yxu at ssc.net.cn <mailto:yxu at ssc.net.cn>
>     tel: 021-61872248
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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