[Paraview] Usage of Octree, AMR

Jing Li jlih at masonlive.gmu.edu
Tue Aug 26 10:24:06 EDT 2014

Hi Berk,
Thanks for your reply. The original Netcdf file is a regular spaced 3D dataset with a lot of filled values.  I plan to reorganize the data with AMR or some other more efficient structures for rendering. I am developing Python functions to resample Netcdf files but I am not sure if this is the right direction.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.


> On Aug 26, 2014, at 9:57 PM, Berk Geveci <berk.geveci at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Jing,
> So that I understand, does your NetCDF file already contain some sort of hierarchy or are you after adaptively rendering it by creating the hierarchy on the fly?
> Best,
> -berk
>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 2:31 AM, jlih <jlih at masonlive.gmu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I have a question regarding the usage of the octree.  Is it possible to create an octree structure for an array  (e.g., an array from a NetCDF file)? From the Source, I can select octree which creates a "template" octree structure.  I'd like to use the octree structure to reorganize the 3D NetCDF data to make the rendering more efficient. If using octree is not possible, how about using AMR?
>> Thanks in advance. 
>> Jing​
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