[Paraview] announce: 2014 HPCWire Reader's Choice Award nominations open

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Wed Aug 6 17:38:53 EDT 2014

HPCWire is holding their Annual Reader’s Choice Awards. Please take
the time to nominate VTK and ParaView for this year’s awards.

All you need to do is to submit the projects, products or solutions
you feel should be honored by receiving an award to the appropriate
(max of 3) categories before the deadline at:

Anyone may can nominate their project, collaboration, product or
solution, and you do not need to fill the entire form out. Only the
categories(s) for which you feel your organization is qualified to
receive an award. You may submit as many nominations as you like.
Those who make it past the nominations will move on to the September
elections for selecting this year's finalists by our readers.

Recent and near term user visible developments in the lands of VTK and
ParaView include:


 * vtkDax, vtkPiston and vtkSMP: bringing GPGPU and multicore speed to VTK.

* vtkWeb - VTK based web services simply by enabling VTK_WRAP_PYTHON

* vtk.numpy_interface - numpy processing moves beyond arrays into datasets

* OpenGL2.1+ rendering - promising both render speed and extensibility


* vector graphics screen exports
* parallel and composite SurfaceLIC representations of vector fields
* streamlined properties and view options panels
* the Python View allows just about any Python library to generate images
in ParaView views.

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909
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