[Paraview] file size with xdmf3 writer from trunk (paraview version 4.1.0-1212-g781aa0e)

Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US) simon.m.su.ctr at mail.mil
Tue Aug 5 12:00:23 EDT 2014


I would like to convert (using "File->Safe Data" option) some pvtp file into xmf file using the new xdmf file exporter in ParaView trunk. The pvtp files were generated while running in parallel using 8 mpi processes, so I have 8 vtp files for every pvtp file. The pvtp file has a list out all the pieces (vtp files).  I also have 30 time steps for the data so I have 30 of the pvtp files.

When I tried to save it out using xdmf3 writer, the collection of pvtp and vtp files which are a total of  80MB in size grew to 1023MB in h5/xmf format. In another instance, a 817MB pvtp/vtp files grew to 13G when converted to h5/xmf file format.

Is there a compression that I can turn on to reduce the size of the file? Or is it something wrong (option not checked) that I am doing that cause the file size to increase more than 10 times?

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